
Application Deadline: August 1st for Fall Semesters; December 1st for Winter Semesters

Award Criteria

To be eligible for the Deer Run Church (DRC) Post-Secondary Christian Education Bursary Fund you must:
  • Be a member in good standing of Deer Run Church, Leamington, ON and have regularly attended DRC for the past two years at a minimum (excepting time spent away at school)
  • Be a full time student this coming winter/spring
  • Demonstrate maturity, strong Christian character and a commitment to Christian ministry in your spiritual gifting.

The DRC Bursary Award will be disbursed in installments at the beginning of each semester of study. In order to receive successive installments, you must:
  • Be a full time student each semester
  • Maintain a good academic standing
Failing to maintain the above criteria will mean you forfeit the remainder of your award.

Please be aware that any bursary amounts awarded will be allocated directly to the Christian College/University you are attending upon receiving verification of enrollment from the Christian College/University you are attending. We will not give any money to the applicant directly.

The DRC Board of Elders and or Finance Team will decide on a case by case basis the amount of the bursary to award, based on the number of students applying for bursaries and amount of money available to be disbursed. The maximum amount awarded to each successful applicant will be $1000/year or $500.00/semester.

Award Criteria

To be eligible for the Deer Run Church (DRC) Post-Secondary Christian Education BursaryFund you must: 
  • Be a member in good standing of Deer Run Church, Leamington, ON and have regularlyattended DRC for the past two years at a minimum (excepting time spent away at school). 
  • Be a full time student this coming winter/spring. 
Demonstrate maturity, strong Christian character and a commitment to Christian ministryin your spiritual gifting.
The DRC Bursary Award will be disbursed in installments at the beginning of each semester ofstudy. In order to receive successive installments, you must:
  • Be a full time student each semester 
  • Maintain a good academic standingFailing to maintain the above criteria will mean you forfeit the remainder of your award.
Please be aware that any bursary amounts awarded will be allocated directly to the ChristianCollege/University you are attending upon receiving verification of enrollment from theChristian College/University you are attending. We will not give any money to the applicantdirectly.
The DRC Board and or Finance Team will decide on a case by case basis the amountof the bursary to award, based on the number of students applying for bursaries and amount ofmoney available to be disbursed. The maximum amount awarded to each successful applicantwill be $1000/year or $500.00/semester.

Award Agreement

By signing your name below and submitting the attached application, you acknowledge that youhave read and accept the policy as outlined above.
I hereby acknowledge that the attached application is an accurate representation of my personalsituation. I have read and accept the terms of this award as outlined above.

The following information will be used by the Board of Elders and or Finance Team to assessyour eligibility for the Deer Run Church Christian Education Bursary Fund.

Personal Information

Academic Information

Ministry and Career Plans